The website of freelance writer and published author Kaitlin Scirri

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Book Review: Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

kaits-bookshelf-daisy-jones-and-the-six.jpg2017 was a great reading year for me. It was the year I discovered books like The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. That novel was beautifully written and is now a part of my permanent library so I can enjoy re-reads. When I learned that the author had a new book coming out this spring, I was thrilled. I was also thrilled when I got a prime spot on the library waiting list and received the book just a week or so after its release date (just one more reason to love my local library!)

Perhaps I was too excited and my expectations for this book were too high. All the hype I’d been reading about this book may have also played a role in that. At any rate, I had very high hopes going into Daisy Jones, and while the story was intriguing, I ended up disappointed overall.

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