Friday Firsts: My First Romantic Read

friday-firsts.jpgFor this Friday Firsts post, Iā€™d like to talk about my first romantic read. Let me start by saying that I read a ton of romance novels in my twenties. Favorite authors included Danielle Steel and Nora Roberts. My first Danielle Steel novel was Star and I read it after I saw a Lifetime TV movie version of the film starring Jennie Garth (I know, Iā€™m dating myself here) šŸ™‚ The book was very different, as tends to be the case, but I loved it and I was hooked. From there, I progressed to Nora Roberts novels which I loved because, they not only had romance but usually quite a mystery as well. I would stay up reading into the early morning hours because I just had to find out whodunit and if the couple was really going to end up together ā€“ spoiler alert ā€“ yes, they always did! In trying to pinpoint which of these novels was my first real romance book, I found myself going back earlier than my twenties, or even my late teens. I found myself remembering a book I read in my early teens, a time of just discovering boys and really not even understanding what romance was. Continue reading “Friday Firsts: My First Romantic Read”

New Book Smell


Let me start this post by assuring you that I am not a doctor and not qualified to give any kind of medical or lifestyle advice. What I am about to share with you are simply a few ways in which I think books play a positive and healthy role in my life in the hopes that they may do the same in yours.

Keep on Reading!

New Reviews in Romance

This past week I have had the privilege of reading two new romance novels by two different authors, one established and one up-and-coming. Though they were two very different novels, I enjoyed them both. One felt more like a sweet romance while the other was rather steamy, but both of them kept me turning the pages! Keep on Reading!