I’m Kaitlin Scirri, a published author of over a dozen juvenile nonfiction books covering subjects such as science, civic values, historical and contemporary biographies, and social media. My experience includes writing and editing books, blogs, and articles for a variety of industries including health and wellness, finance, religious organizations, and education. In addition, I am an experienced Communications Specialist utilizing my writing and editing skills for digital and print publications with a focus on education and engagement. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Writing with a minor in Religious Studies. My professional profile may be viewed on the SCBWI website or LinkedIn. My published titles and online content may be viewed on my writing portfolio.
I currently live in New York with my husband and my dogs. I can usually be found at my local bookstore or library adding books to my TBR pile!
If you are interested in writing, editing, or communications services, please feel free to contact me at: kscirriwrites@gmail.com.
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